We are very proud of the quality of our healthy school meals. These are eaten in the upper school hall where a cafeteria system operates. Hot meals are available as well as a salad bar facility. We are able to provide halal meals on request. Children may, if they wish, bring a packed lunch from home and will be supervised in the dining area.

Mid-day supervisory staff are employed to care for the children during the lunch break, their authority must be respected by the children and we ask parents to explain this to ensure lunch times are happy and orderly. Teaching staff are also available in school during this time should an emergency arise.

We reserve the right to exclude children from school at lunch time if their behaviour is a cause for concern or they do not show respect to supervisory staff.

School Meals—Foundation and Key Stage 1

A free meal is available to all children from Reception to Year 2 through the universal free school meals scheme. Please ensure that office staff are still notified if your child wishes to switch from a school meal to a packed lunch.

We are no longer able to ascertain the number of children in Foundation Stage or Key Stage 1 that the school are able to claim pupil premium funding for. We are therefore asking any parent who believes that they would be eligible for free school meal to please contact the school office for details on how to apply. Pupil premium is an allocated sum of money per pupil for any child in school who is entitled to a free school meal or who has a parent in the armed forces. We receive this money annually and it enables us to provide our pupils with the best possible provision.

School Meals —Key Stage 2

The current charge for a school meal is £2.40 each day paid at the beginning of the week on the School Gateway. It is important that money is paid on Monday. Please ensure the correct amount is sent. Any meals not taken during the week due to absence are credited for the next week. At the start of each half term parents are asked to commit to either packed lunches or school meals for that period. Two weeks’ notice must be given for any changes in your child’s meal arrangements.

The catering team at Middlesbrough Council have rebalanced the school menu. The menu is in line to meet the school food standards which has been set by the government. This menu has been created in collaboration with Middlesbrough Councils public health team

If you believe your child may be entitled to a free meal please apply using the link below, even if you do not wish them to take up the meal, as this raises additional income for our school through Pupil Premium. It maybe that your child has a packed lunch, however if your child is entitled we can still receive pupil premium funding.


If you have any problems please contact the school office.

Lunch Time Menu